'(Who Uses Emacs?)
It has been a difficult decision to consider moving to Emacs. Besides discovering that it had some superpowers that Vim lacked, I had a niggling feeling that most of my programming heroes were already using Emacs. So I did some digging around to see who were the luminaries.
The digging turned up that the following all use Emacs. (Sorry for not recording many references.)
Language Creators
Rich Hickey (Clojure creator)
Joe Armstrong (Erlang creator)
Xavier Leroy (OCaml creator)
Matz (Ruby creator)
Guido van Rossum (GvR, Python creator)
Donald Knuth (TeX, Algo books)
Michael Widenius (MySQL creator)
Guy Steele (creator of many languages)
James Gosling (Java creator)
Peter Norvig
Miscellaneous Celebrities
Eric Raymond (ESR)
Richard Stallman (RMS)
Jamie Zawinsky (JWZ)
Linux Torvalds (Creator of Linux, uses micro-emacs)
Neal Stephenson (author)
Steve Yegge
Avdi Grimm (and other Ruby Rogues)
Vernor Vinge
More mentioned: Norvig, Andreesen, Guy Steele, Martin Fowler, Knuth, Julian Assange
And, 45% of Clojure devs use Emacs, accoring to the recent survey.
Who (surprisingly) does not use Emacs
Paul Graham (lisp hacker) — vim
Larry Wall — vim
Rob Pike — acme
Brendan Eich — vim